There are a variety of weapons to choose from, based on the class you choose at the start of the game. There is no cross-hair and iron sights are the only reliable way to aim. In terms of style, the game draws heavily from the likes of Red Orchestra and Rising Storm. Work with your team, call out targets and watch each other’s backs if you want to win. This is not Call of Duty and charging head first into a fire fight is the best and quickest way to get yourself killed. Finding a clever defensive spot or a hidden approach to an objective is by far the most effective way to defeat the enemy. Despite this however, Insurgency is a game that actually rewards camping most of the time. This means there is nothing more aggravating than spectating the last living player on your team sitting on top of a hill with a sniper rifle, watching the enemy capture the last territory to win the game. It’s all about working together and communicating efficiently to capture and hold territories, defend/destroy key points or protect/eliminate a VIP. There are no deathmatch or team deathmatch game types. You see, Insurgency is an objective-based game. And there is nothing more frustrating than watching someone who doesn’t know or want to play the game properly, while you sit helplessly dead and unable to communicate with them. One small mistake, one step out of cover, is all it takes to leave you staring at someone else playing the game for up to a minute. Categorised under the term “hardcore”, Insurgency is indeed hard. Drawing heavily on the squad-based combat of CS:S, Insurgency endeavours to add more realism and tactical importance to Counter-Strike’s more arcade elements. Having built up nearly 100 hours since I bought it four weeks ago, it’s safe to say that this is one of my favourite FPS games since Counter-Strike: Source was released.